Summer 2010 at


VICARIOUS- a point of view short detailing one day in the lives of fantastic and or ridiculous people
-If you think you are FANTASTIC and have an AWESOME life (or just one more interesting than mine)  EMAIL US AT [email protected] with a paragraph explaining why your life should be filmed TO HAVE US FOLLOW YOU AROUND WITH A CAMERA FOR ONE DAY! 

UNTITLED- a comedic variety show that will incorporate the most amount of ridiculosity, hilariosity and absurdisity you could ever imagine. (and no, those are not real words, just added some flair) 

MAKING IT- official web launch of the true story of two college students who dropped out of the University at Albany and drove across the country to LA, California. 
To view a trailer check out and click on "Film." 

FOOD 66- We love food. We'll be updating about great restaurants, recipes and food stuff from time to time. 

What  are you still doing reading? Go check out our website at to see more!!!